速報APP / 遊戲 / Muscle Car in Highway Traffic

Muscle Car in Highway Traffic



檔案大小:227.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Muscle Car in Highway Traffic(圖1)-速報App

MCIHT is a simple game where you will have real car driving experience in american highway traffic in you favorite muscle car. You can choose from Five different muscle car of your choice. Upgrade them to your taste and Cop lights and give a flashing notification to oncoming traffic that will also give you Police Sirens when you will add lightbar to your car in Shop spelunker.

Buy car and upgrade its engine and power so you can overtake traffic easily, pdd nos (nitrous oxide kit) and turbocharger to your Muscle car so you can enjoy quick boost in speed, higher speed will give you more points which you can use to buy more stuff for your american muscle cars.

You will be enjoying 3 different type of Game Modes, Drive along Beach in daylight or in Big City in Night and Rainy weather this will be one drive you will love.

Muscle Car in Highway Traffic(圖2)-速報App

All three Environments have endless highway with option of ONE WAY TRAFFIC OR TWO WAY it's up to you. So enjoy your speed and regained your crown as ez thunderball rider / racer

If you like to stay at high speed you can enjoy BOMB MODE where you will be driving a BUS with bomb in it , bomb will only explode if your speed is low and will make other traffic car flying.

Keep up a good speed just don’t be in no rush and enjoy your BUS Racing in Highway full of Traffic.

Muscle Car in Highway Traffic(圖3)-速報App

Last mode is for those who want to compete with Time, A Full Timer mode add for you guy to enjoy endless arcade smasher

Muscle Car in Highway Traffic(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad